Saturday, 25 May 2024

Africa Nations Cup : 1968-2023

This chart goes back to 1968 for total figures and the year 2000 for each tournament held. Points are allocated for each participating country. The weighting of points favours success but any participation gets some recognition. 

Nigeria leads the way, not in the number of titles but through overall points, which total 185. That's an average of 9.7 points for each tournament it has been involved in. Now for some detail.

More than one title: Egypt, Cameroon (5). Ivory Coast, Nigeria (3). Algeria, DR Congo, Ghana (2). Those with one title number 7. 14 Different winners in all.

Origin: It started in 1957 but switched to a biannual format in 1968 and that was the first year eight nations took part. That is where this data starts. 

Regions: At the base of the chart, the countries listed are put into regions. In reality, there is no perfect way of doing it but that didn't stop me from trying. West Africa is the most successful region, from Northern Africa and Central. 

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